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Conveyor belt
Category Conveyors
Cost $625
Width 1
Length 1
Height 1

A Conveyor is used to transport individual resources between buildings that allow a connector to be placed on them (Warehouses, Laboratories, Mines or factories). A direct connection to businesses is not possible. A conveyor transports 1.25 items per second.

Usage[ | ]

Conveyors can only directly interact with factory buildings and must use a connector to insert or remove items from a building such as a mine or warehouse. The small moving arrows on the conveyors indicate which direction they are moving, and they can be merged and split in many different ways as well. Like roads and rails, conveyors can also be built as bridges or tunnels, and cannot be turned, merged, or split while on a bridge or tunnel.

Placing Conveyors[ | ]

Getting conveyors to go exactly where you want them to go can be a bit tricky if you are not too familiar with them. Depending on how you start placing them, they can go in different directions and create different paths. If you highlight and click a previously built conveyor, the new conveyor may bend to create a path to your cursor. However, if you click the ground to start building a new conveyor instead of highlighting an old conveyor section, the new conveyor will only follow a straight line from the first point. Newly built conveyors will also snap to other conveyors in many situations, so you may need to place them in a specific order depending on your situation to control which conveyors snap together.

Merging and Splitting[ | ]

Splitting conveyor belts is very simple, any conveyor leading into a junction will split its contents evenly among the outgoing conveyors.

Merging belts can be a bit trickier if you want to completely fill a belt, but it functions basically the same as splitting and the output belt will evenly take items from all full input belts. If you simply combine multiple belts together in a series of junctions, the items will get where they're going, but it could leave gaps in the items on the output belt, even if all the input belts are producing more than 1.25 items/second combined. To get a full 1.25 items/second on a belt, the last merge on the belt must have inputs that each have at least their share of the 1.25 items. Merging two belts into one for example, each of the two input belts must have at least 0.625 items/second in order to fill the output belt with no gaps. Another example are mines, which produce 0.25 items/second, so five mines can completely fill a belt. In order to completely fill a belt with their output you would need one connector on two mines dumping onto one of the input belts, and one connector on two more mines dumping onto the other input belt. Then, if you put one connector on the 5th mine and attempt to merge it in any way, the input belts will be unbalanced and the output belt will have gaps. To fix this you can put two connectors on that mine to split its output onto the two belts to be merged, giving you 0.625 items/second on each belt and a full merged belt with no gaps.